Homework Practices
It is the philosophy that homework be used for practice and not to learn new concepts. Homework should not be busy work and should serve a specific purpose. Homework should not be given at the frustration level or instructional level of the child. It should be given at the independent level. In the upper grades, please limit the amount of help you give to your child and communicate with the teacher about any issues that may arise. The teacher will not know if the students are having trouble or if she needs to re-teach if all of the homework comes in perfectly every time. Consistent homework is a good way to reinforce regular study habits for the future. Another of our purposes is to place increasing responsibility for practicing learning upon the students as they get older. We want to help students to practice the concept of budgeting time both in and out of class.
If you find that homework is taking an inordinate amount of time, please contact the teacher right away. It is not our intent to restrict family time or outside activities for our students.
Our general daily limits average as follows:
- Kindergarten - Up to 10 minutes
- First Grade - 10 to 20 minutes
- Second Grade - 20 to 30 minutes
- Third Grade - 30 to 40 minutes
- Fourth Grade - 40 to 50 minutes
- Fifth Grade - 50 to 60 minutes